Introducing #142 - Hot Dreams


Let us introduce you to London band Hot Dreams who have just released their latest single ‘Raincoat’ - the track showcases their unique style of atmospheric rock. They took a moment to talk to us more about the new release and how the EP is coming together.

So, the new track is out there now - how does it feel? 
In short, it feels amazing. We've been playing this song live for over a year now, and started the recording process around 6 months ago. It took a little while for it to translate in the studio but we're super happy with the final result.

Raincoat’ is the first track from your forthcoming EP, how is that coming along? When will we get to hear it? 
The EP is coming along OK, we've got another track recorded and in the final stages of the mixing process, and then a few more that need a bit more work. We're hoping at some point we can get together and put these final bits down... if only to see each other’s faces again :(

You are based in London, what are you favourite things to do in the city? Where are your favourite places to go for music? 

Hmmm, I guess a city's only so good as the people in it, and in this moment it’s hard to see past anything other than meeting friends - anytime, anywhere haha. As for favourite places, Village Underground has a special place in our hearts as the biggest venue we've played, and I've seen some personally important bands at Ally Pally. 

Who would you say are your key influences as a band?   
Beach House, Foals, The War on Drugs, Arthur Russell, Porches, Tame Impala... Wu Tang

Can you tell us what the new track is about?  
You'll probably get a slightly different answer depending on who you ask in the band, though Cammy wrote the lyrics. For me, the song is about the little moments of real emotion; butterflies in your stomach, heartbreak, moments of calm, moments of rage. I think the song soundtracks these little incidents very nicely.