The Artist Explains: Vita And The Woolf - 'Confetti'

Vita and the Woolf talks to us about drawing influences from satirical 90s film But I’m A Cheerleader, for their music video for sad party indie pop anthem, ‘Confetti’.

Where was the video filmed?
The video was filmed in Portland Oregon.

How does the video connect with the song?
The dance was choreographed to go along with some of the lyrics, such as, "here in my mind" we do a head bopping motion. The lyrics, "Did I really think confetti would hold my head up as I fall" - we sort of tried to create a set where it looked like a sad party.

Do you have any behind the scenes stories you can share with us?
Behind the scenes stories - We sort of went all out with actual confetti and I stayed up all night that night after we finished shooting cleaning up confetti. It literally went all over the house, haha.

Could you tell us about the ideas/themes/imagery used?
I really wanted to have the set of the video have call backs to the film, But I'm A Cheerleader. So I purchased some bright pink plastic vinyl "fabric" and we covered the bed and walls with it in the first shot. We made the choice for the 2 dancers to wear pink and blue shirts to sort of represent the gender binary which we wanted to make fun of. The entire video was done in one shot which I really liked because you're just following the story of this character waking up.

Is there a message the video is trying to convey?
I would say the overall message is don't take yourself too seriously.

Interview by Karla Harris