Getting Intimate With #15 - Solarrio

Solarrio speaks to us candidly about regrets, late night thoughts and some of the things that fill his downtime.

When I’m stressed I… 
Smoke a ton of weed

The album I play over and over again is… 
Jay-z “Reasonable Doubt” or Raekwon “Only Built 4 Cuban Linx”

The last person I spoke on the phone to was…
My mom, she’s on vacation

My favourite place in the world is…
Tokyo, Japan.  Always a pleasure.

My favourite comfort food dish is…
Burgers, fries, milkshake, fried chicken

My biggest regret is…
Not having stepped out on my own earlier, I was doing work for others behind the scenes for many years before I launched my own project.

The movie I watch when I’m sad is…
“You Don’t Mess with the Zohan” always does a trick.  Or most Adam Sandler or Will Ferell movies.

My last thought before falling asleep last night was…
Did I forget to turn the oven off...

The last book I read was…
“Diary of a Madman” by Brad Jordan

Stream Solarrio’s current single ‘Real Love’ below.