Sarah Barrios – 'Emotional'


Rising singer songwriter Sarah Barrios shares stunning new single ‘Emotional’ – an anthem for empaths and highly sensitive people. 

“I laugh ‘til I cry, and I cry all the time, I’m a mess.” If you recognise yourself in these lyrics, ‘Emotional’ is the song for you. Wrapped into gentle guitars and bright piano lines, Sarah takes a page out of her diary and turns an existential crisis into the most beautiful piece of music. Her soulful vocals are laced with pure, unfiltered emotion as they soar above ‘Emotional’’s intricate soundscape, effortlessly shifting from tender and soft to captivatingly powerful and back again. 

‘Emotional’ is endlessly inspiring. By simply speaking from her heart, Sarah has created a song that empowers others with the same “condition”. Being emotional is not something to be ashamed of. There is beauty in feeling everything more deeply and, especially in a cold, hard world, it’s a skill to be proud of. Cry too much, love too hard. This is who you are, and it makes you stronger. 

Words by Laura Freyaldenhoven