Introducing #159 - Sophia Amato

Sophia (Wanda Martin) r_07I4114 lo-res.jpg

Let us introduce you to Sophia Amato who has makes a grand entrance into the world with her debut single ‘Glorious Mess’ - a stunning piece of ear candy with simple lo-fi electronic sounds. She took a moment to talk to us about her music. 

Hey there Sophia, how are you? Coping well in this heat wave? 
Hey! I’m not coping, No! 

Your debut track is out now, how does it feel to have it finally out there? It is titled ‘Glorious Mess’ - does that hold a certain meaning to you? 
Ah! Feels so great to give the song a life beyond the hardrive. This will always be a special one as my first single. I wrote this with my producer Bubba, he was playing piano and the song flew out pretty quickly. 

You are based in London - what’s your favorite thing about the city?
The people, the energy, the creatives. I live in east london and there’s so much diversity and culture, and great Turkish food. 

Where do you go for your musical kicks
Upstairs at Ronnies is great and Fat Cat in New York. They have loads of pool table’s and amazing jazz and Cuban bands play. It’s a vibe.

What are your key musical influences? 
So many! I loved listening to Freddie Mercury when I was younger. Also Lauryn Hill’s Unplugged album was (is) my favourite, her lyrics on ‘Just like Water’ definitely made me want to write more poetically. And with lockdown I’ve recently been listening to loads of soundtracks

Now the debut track is out there - what next? 
Collaboration! With visual artists, directors, musicians... There are so many ways of storytelling, and I love meeting other creatives.