Couch Prints – 'Tell U'

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Having just announced the release of their debut EP ‘Tell U’ (October 30th), NYC based dance/synth-pop trio Couch Prints share its delicate title track.

Set in a gentle soundscape of 80s nostalgia and big emotions, ‘Tell U’ paints a picture of passion. Carried by synth coated melodies that loosely wrap themselves around Jayanna Roberts’ warm vocals, the track flows so effortlessly it’s hard to imagine the trio didn’t actually know each other at the time of recording. “I wrote the first iteration of this track while living in Denver - I was working this job I hated and had this feeling that life was speeding by,” Brandon Tong explains. “I ended up moving to New York a few months later, and shortly after Jake [Truax] came out from Paris to record some of the music we’d been collaborating on the past year. While he was [In Paris] he had worked on music with Jayanna, so he called her to come sing on the tracks. We showed her the tracks and immediately she was humming along and had this incredible tone and way of singing, so we started recording for ‘Tell U’ and finished it that night. With so many moving pieces coming together so serendipitously, the final song came to celebrate this feeling of transience and movement and leaving the past behind.”

‘Tell U’ is the perfect mix of poetic lyricism and intricate instrumentals. Combining the innate talents of three wonderful musicians, Couch Prints are sure to go far. 

Words by Laura Freyaldenhoven