Matilda Mann - 'Robbed'

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Following the success of her debut EP ‘If That Makes Sense’, singer-songwriter Matilda Mann shares a romantic new single ‘Robbed’.

Picture a clearing in the woods surrounded by beautiful wildflowers and flooded with sunlight and you get an idea of what ‘Robbed’ sounds like. Delicate and soft, Matilda’s vocals dance with the rise and fall of gentle guitar lines. Warm harmonies make the track sparkle in golden hues while little chirping birds give it that intimate woodland atmosphere.  

But despite its stunning sonics or maybe exactly because of its minimalist nature, focal point of ‘Robbed’ is Matilda’s impressively honest lyricism. “’Robbed’ is the most personal thing I’ve ever written,” she explains. “It’s one of those songs you just sit down and write instantly the whole way through because it’s exactly what you were thinking. It’s about vulnerability, losing all your senses because of how in love you are. Not seeing red flags and signs. Being too caught up in them. In all honesty, it’s about being desperate for love.”

‘Robbed’ is one of those songs that catch you off guard. You don’t expect it to, but its beautiful simplicity stays with you all day and suddenly it’s 2am and you’re crying in your car on the way home because in that moment, “it’s not that I don’t like you, I just love him” rings a little too true. This single is an absolute gem and Matilda deserves an award just for using her words so perfectly. 

Words by Laura Freyaldenhoven