Introducing #155 - Ives


Let us introduce you to Manchester five piece Ives - who have just released their track ‘Seventeen’. The song oozes the influences of Catfish and the Bottlemen and the 1975 - and has the huge chorus to create a powerful indie pop banger. We had a chat with the band about their music. 

Hey Ives, how are you? 
We are great thank you! Really strange times at the moment but we are loving the time to get creative. We have been working really hard behind the scenes on new material that is coming your way very soon, and refreshing the live shows so they are a blast! We are writing over Zoom currently and it is an absolute life saver! Really loving how it is changing writing as a band, it forces us to be more creative and think of new innovative ways of getting songs finished. It's a real shame we can't be together at the moment. We are very excited for the time we can get together, rehearse, play shows and most importantly have a pint together! Hope you guys and anyone else that is reading this are doing well. 

So you are based in Manchester, what is the best thing about your city? 
We absolutely love Manchester. It's such a vibrant, multi-cultural city that thrives with music, arts, and just about anything else you can imagine! We all first went to Manchester about 11 months ago now. As a band we are all from around the world which is a thing we love! Jesper is from Sweden, Alejandro is from Mexico, Mark is from Leicester UK, and Jack and Luis are from Manchester. This gives us a huge range of influences which really enhances our sound and makes us unique. 

Where is the best place to go for live music? 
Great question! At the moment, with COVID-19 being around, just about anywhere would be perfect! We'd have to say the Northern Quarter in Manchester is amazing. All the venues are unique and there is all sorts going on. On one street there may be a Rock band playing, and on another street next door there may be a Jazz gig. It's super varied and that's why we love it so much. The atmosphere is amazing!

How did the band start? 
We all go to the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester and we all met through that. The RNCM puts on a yearly gig for freshers for the first years and we had to put a band together for it. We played covers as we had no original material but we soon realised we worked flawlessly together and it was just a laugh. We loved every minute so we decided to carry on the band. It turned out that coincidentally we all have the same vision of the route we want to take and we all have the same goal. We want this to get as big as it can get! Just turns out we have the perfect line-up for a fully functional 5 piece Indie Pop Band!

Your track ‘Seventeen’ is out now - can you tell us what the track is about? 
Seventeen is about the youth growing up wanting to be older so they can have certain things in their lives but realising once they get older it’s not all what it is cracked up to be. Regretting wanting to get older and potentially wasting time, they would love to go back to the good old times of being seventeen and being young once again. We really wanted a track that we could relate to and most importantly others too as this really maximises the song's mood.  We really hope you like it! You can check it out and our other tunes on every streaming platform available now!