Oh Little Ghost - 'Haircut' / ‘Goodness’

South-London based alternative folk project, Oh Little Ghost, share their stunning double-sided single ‘Haircut’ / ‘Goodness’.

The titular track is acoustic-guitar driven, with bright piano keys dancing around in the background like fireflies flickering, lighting up a dark forest. When these airy keys propel the song skyward, deeply rich cello and bass are brought in to ground it again. The melodies on display here are reminiscent of traditional folk music, often even feeling as though it slips comfortably into a medieval timeframe. 

The second song, ‘Goodness’, is the longer of the two, spanning at 5 minutes in runtime. Every minute is used carefully to build to the track’s subtly climactic moment. Kit Narey’s voice on this one glides delicately, comparable to the likes of Ex:Re, as she reflects on a past version of herself: “She’s the one that you adored”. The violins that warble in the distance towards the end are a reminder: this is music to cry to. Maybe not a sad cry, but a cathartic one, and Narey’s vocals are a warm hug to help you through.

Words of Curtis Saunders