Donovan Woods - 'Seeing Other People'

Donovan Woods deals with the aftermath of a breakup on emotive indie folk single. ‘Seeing Other People’.

Donovan Woods returns with a new album, ‘Without People’, coming 6th November, crafted with care from his makeshift home recording studio. The track Seeing Other People sees Woods dealing with the aftermath of a breakup differently to how he thought it would go. He sings: “I was okay with you seeing other people / Until I saw other people seeing you”. It’s a simple line that strikes like lightning, cutting straight to the cold, hard truth. The idea of thinking we’ve moved on from someone only to feel that gut-punch when we finally see them with someone else is an age-old internal struggle that we all know too well.

At the tune’s core is a driving beat, forcing you to tap your feet regardless of how sad the song itself is. Then the harmonies and strings slowly swell into the mix, progressively becoming more intense and leaving us dangling in existential bliss with nothing but our own similar memories and experiences. If this track is anything to go by, we better strap in for an emotional ride when Donovan Woods’ album, ‘Without People’, drops in November.