TV People - 'Nothing More'


Dublin’s next hot prospect, TV People, are back and are reflecting on the unknowns of adolescence with their new single ‘Nothing More’. 

Despite only forming in 2019, this quartet have already had quite the journey, from the quaint heartland of the emerald isle to the iconic Abbey Road Studios, these four have the songs and the live show to back the hype that is continuing to build around them. 2020 has been quite the busy year for TV People despite everything that has been going on, having already two singles ‘Kitchen Sinking’ and ‘Time Eats Up’. 

Their third single does follow in the same vein of their indie/garage rock sound with punk-infused undertones, but we see the four delve much deeper and explore the struggle for purpose. Created between Darklands Audio and Abbey Road, it proves to be the winning formula as we witness TV People’s best work to date. 

From the off the track is atmospheric and has a certain level of tension to it, as we see TV People reflect on the “superficial challenges” of finding yourself when wandering through adolescence and early adulthood. ‘Nothing More’ certainly a defining piece in this band’s journey and for an era in many of their fan’s lives, something TV people are proving to have quite the talent for. 

‘Nothing More’ the new single from TV People is available now on all major streaming platforms. 

Words by Danial Kennedy

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