Joshua Radin - 'Better Life'

16 years into his career, LA based singer-songwriter Joshua Radin is on top of his game, wearing his heart and empathy proudly on his sleeve. ‘Better Life’ is the new single to his forthcoming album, and what a way to tease us. 

Carried by plucked and strummed acoustic guitar progressions and smooth Americana riffs, Joshua Radin’s carefully layered vocals soar airily across the track. The breathy quality to his tone and the uplifting melody give us a sense of hope in such trying times.

As much as this song is a refreshing glimpse at a life beyond turmoil and pain, it’s equally a song about seeking refuge in America as an immigrant. Radin is letting people know that the issue is something that needs addressing, not only in everyday conversation, but in music and the arts, too. He also addresses those seeking refuge, simply reminding them: “There’s a better life.”

This is a track that calls back to cult classics within the indie-folk genre, with its shimmeringly bright guitars and joyfully bouncy beat, but this time, unafraid to put political awareness at its forefront. Radin is asking those who can to donate, linked through the song’s informative video. Take time out of your day to give this a shot, it will both heighten your mood and give you some tools to understand today’s world a little better.

Words of Curtis Saunders