Inspired #325 - Carrie Baxter

Last month, Irish-born-London-based soul singer Carrie Baxter released her playful new EP ‘What Now’. She took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
It's incredibly hard to pick three I have to say. Who Im inspired by its constantly changing and evolving but the first three that come to mind "A Tribe Called Quest, Amy Winehouse, Kendrick Lamar". I have a thing for artists who do their own thing, unique sounding and authenticity.

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why?
I'm a huge fan of film, coming from the acting world, it's something I feel hugely invested in and I could talk about film all day. There's so many that do inspire me and for different reason such as films like 'Drive' the way the cinematography is married with the music is really something whereas Im also a sucker for childhood films that very simply opened up doors to creativity for me, i.e Learning the dance from Dirty Dancing was one of the first entry points to performing for me and so I find those moments incredibly inspiring still.

What city do you find the most inspiring and why?
New York, not sure why ! Maybe its been fetishized in my mind from watching to much Sex and the City but everytime Ive been there, theres a certain magic you cant quiet put your finger on.

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why?
My Mother - she turned her life around from a very dark place, that takes guts and courage to do. I admire that strength.

What were your inspirations when writing your new EP?
Various different people and places in my life. Alot of songs were written or finished in retrospect as it was during covid finishing all of these songs and so I found myself catapulted into the past to finish the project. Many songs on the EP were written or started quite some time ago. My guitarist GRAMM produced the entire project and so his melodies and musical ideas really inspired some of the topics I chose to write about.

How would you like to inspire people?
By being my authentic self every day

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