Inspired #328 - Tadhg Daly

Jersey born / Irish singer Tadhg Daly has just released his highly-anticipated EP ‘Forever Young’. Throughout the last year, Tadhg has been in pursuit of creating a more adventurous and textured approach to the alt-pop sound, and this is exactly what we can expect to hear on his EP. He took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind his music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
If I had to choose, I'd say... Jeff Buckley, Nirvana and Bon Iver. The latter definitely inspires my actual songwriting these days the most out of those 3 but they all played a huge part in why I wanted to write my own songs in the first place. I'd say the common theme between these artists for me is that in their lyrics no matter how obscure I just believe every word they say and that honesty is what I try to put into my lyrics.

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why? 
Haha, I've never actually thought of this! But yes actually. It's a bit random but "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" is the one for me! The whole film has a sense of wonderment that inspires me to live life as fully as possible whenever I watch it. The soundtrack is insanely good too.

What city do you find the most inspiring and why? 
It's a bit of a cop out as I live here but, London for sure. I feel so lucky to be here all the time especially having come from such a small island and its a total melting pot of culture and people that it's impossible not to be inspired all the time!

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why? 
Honestly, I think it's probably Russell Brand! His book "Recovery" really helped me through a hard time in my life and I went to one of his live talks around that time too. From where he was to where he is now is such an inspiring journey to me and whenever I feel a little lost I tend to gravitate towards his content.

What were your inspirations when writing your new EP? 
I think it was just everyday life really. Music makes me feel so much and overwhelms me with emotion and I just want to make people feel something when they listen to my music. 

How would you like to inspire people?
I've never really thought about how I might inspire people. If anyone ever did look to me for inspiration in the future I'd love them to just know that whatever they want to do or say in life, they should do it. I went through a really tough time as a teenager in a few different ways and I don't think anyone around me (including myself) would have thought I'd be able to spend my life making music and being happy with who I am.

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