Inspired #224 - Olivia White


Rising electronic pop artist Olivia White released her new track ‘Call It Love’ at the start of this year - she took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations?
My first musical inspiration is Frank Ocean. I love how raw and honest his music is. Every song of his I listen to is so unique. He includes production that isn’t even comparable to other artists on his level. Another artist I take massive inspiration from is Lorde. The lyrics within her music are often very ambiguous. This allows the audience to interpret each song how it best relates to their lives. This is something I have aimed to replicate this same lyrical style in my own music. The final of the three most inspiration musicians for me has to be Billie Eilish. Her music is incredible and so unique but the most inspiring things about her for me is her vision. Whenever I watch interviews she has such a clear idea of what she wants to represent and that inspires me so much.

Is there a certain film that inspires you?
The film that inspires me the most is Love, Rosie! I don’t tend to watch films a lot but I have watched this one multiple times! I love how the story really sends the message that what will be will be. You have to trust the timing of everything around you and things will work out when they are meant to!

What city do you find the most inspiring?
For me the most inspiring city is London. There are so many amazing cities all over the world that have such inspiring culture but when I’m in London I feel such a personal connection. The thing I have love about London is that it doesn’t matter where you are or what time is it, there is always something happening! When I walk through London I always walk past a variety of different music events, sports clubs and art showcases. I love how many different people London bring together.

Who is the most inspiring person to you?
The most inspiring person to me is my mum! She has been amazing and really shown me how to be strong. My mum has supported me through everything I’ve done with music and always pushed me to do my best! She has inspired me to be the best I can in every situation.

What were your inspirations when writing your new single?
When I was writing my debut single Call It Love I wanted to address a mentality that is extremely present in our society. The theme of the song is about how young boys and girls are taught that other children are mean to them because they like them. It is often said that boys pick on girls in the playground just because they like them. This mentality can follow us around as we grow older! I’ve often heard my friends make excuses for their boyfriends or girlfriends mistreating them by saying that they are just ‘playing hard to get.’ I know that this mentality has affected me in a negative way and allowed me make myself vulnerable to people who did not have the good intentions.

How would you like to inspire people?
Music has always been about relating to people for me. I find the songs I love to listen to the most are those I relate to the most. Within my own music I want to create a safe space for the listeners. I want to inspire people to process any hardships they have faced in their own lives. I want my music to give my audience that environment to be honest with themselves on how they are truly feeling.

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