In Conversation With #128 - PAYDAY


Seattle based artist PAYDAY has just released  ‘P.U.K.E. Tapes Vol 3’ - her latest collection of glitch-core hyper-pop. PAYDAY’s high energy, in-your-face sound has certainly put her out there as one to watch for 2021, she took a moment to talk to us a bit more about her music. 

Hey there PAYDAY, so your third volume ‘P.U.K.E Tapes’ is out now - how does it feel to have it out there in the world?
I’m excited! I think there’s some really good songs on the way.

We have to ask, why are they called P.U.K.E Tapes?
The "puke" in P.U.K.E. Tapes stands for “Paydays Unbelievably Killer EP” and also doubles as a metaphor for how random and acidic the songs are, like puke :)

Where were these tracks recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the process?
The tracks on P.U.K.E. Tapes Vol. 3 were recorded between two different studios I believe, and honestly were all completely different vibes when created.

You spent most of your childhood traveling state-to-state with your family, do you feel that has influenced your music in any way?
I definitely think travel has influenced my music and I’d like to add I’ve moved to different houses more than I have different states. I’ve just always been moving. New people bring in new influences and Iwas always meeting new people.

Did your journey in music really start with a fourteen dollar microphone from K-Mart?
My journey through music all started with a $14 microphone from WALMART to be exact. hahaha yeah and recording voice memos on my Nintendo DSI.

From a young age you were always keen on poems, raps and lyrics - are there any poets or rappers that are your favorites?
As far as inspiration I definitely draw it from old Tyler The Creator and I used to watch Wild 'n Out a ton. Loved the funny shit.

What are the key influences and themes in Vol 3?
I’d say a key theme in P.U.K.E. Tapes Vol 3 is the message. Each song has a message, some more obvious than others.

Do you have a favorite lyric from your music? ? If so, which one and why?
One of my favorite lyrics is actually from a song coming out soon on P.U.K.E. Tapes Vol 3 called "MEOW God". “I can’t live my life thinking everyday is scary, when I die then I’ll know it was all imaginary.”

2021 has only just got started - what next for you?
More music! Stay tuned... :)

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