jak lvr - 'Still'


jak lvr debuts solo career and makes a big entrance with tantalising new track ‘Sill’.

Self-doubt is something we have all experienced at some point in our lives, whether it is due to appearance or skills or anything else… However, there is a very specific type of self-doubt which is directly related to the idea that our inner struggles often affect the people surrounding us. For those of us who have gone through that feeling, we understand that in order to get over the doubt, we need to first accept the imperfections within our humanity. This is exactly what jak lvr sings about in his new reflective single ‘Still’.

Opening with very energetic drums and a catchy synth melody, the track features jak lvr’s amazingly soothing voice which very much resembles a conversation between him and the listener. As the song progresses we get the sense of an almost vintage emo vibe prompted by the penetrating bassline. With very smart production details like phone/tv conversation sounds just before the bridge, jak lvr explores how “other people tend to take collateral damage as a consequence [of his inner struggle]. While continually trying to acknowledge that I’m still learning and even though it’s hard, it’s a process of life.”

With ‘Still’ being the first of many singles, we get a sense that the former frontman of North East outfit Llovers has loads more to say. We can only hope the music to come features his incredibly retrospective and poetic lyricism as well as his epic anthemic production. 

Words by Nicole Otero

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