Inspired #229 - ĠENN

Credit - Holly Whitaker.jpg

Brighton based troupe ĠENN have just released their highly anticipated EP ‘Luminal’ via Everything Sucks Music. The EP takes you on a wild ride as it draws on a number of genres from the likes of rock’n’roll, funk, post punk and more. ‘Luminal’ has something for everyone! We had a chat with Janelle from the band about the influences behind their music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations?
My top three musical inspirations definitely have to be Warpaint - because they're badass, ethereal ladies whose music I go back to when I need a creative boost - Jeff Buckley - his album Grace is one of my favourite albums of all time - and David Bowie - image, music, creative phases etc. Special mention goes to Lianne La Havas who I absolutely adore. 

Is there a certain film that inspires you? 
I love to watch different types of movies depending on my mood. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Before Sunrise are two of my all-time favourites because I simply love the theme, dialogue and visuals. The Perks of Being a Wallflower and the accompanying novel were my "life bible" during my teenage years...and the soundtrack is just exquisite.

What city do you find the most inspiring? 
Definitely Madrid! It reminds me of home - Malta - and I love the people and the general vibe. My dream is to own an apartment there one day. My go-to spot has to be the barrio of Malasaña - which I absolutely ADORE!

Who is the most inspiring person to you? 
I find myself getting less and less inspired by individuals nowadays since everyone seems to have some type of scandalous BS in their past...personally I prefer to look at groups of individuals who want to bring about a real change in the world, like Doctors for Choice back in Malta who are campaigning for abortion rights and all those who sacrificed their lives for racial and gender equality.   

What were your inspirations when writing your new EP? 
As a band, we were weirdly inspired by the constrictions of the first lockdown. One of our songs is in fact called "23rd March" - the beginning of lockdown here in the UK. Musically and lyrically, the EP explores the in-between stage between different phases of life. Three of us had just moved from Malta, we had started dipping our toes in the UK scene with a brand new lineup, and the first lockdown seemed like an extended liminal stage as we were all experiencing various mental health-related and personal BS. So mostly that feeling of being in a stage of transition, disorientation and ambiguity. 

How would you like to inspire people?
To embrace the weird and dark parts of themselves. 

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