A Day In The Life Of #022 - Chwis


Best known for his heartfelt songwriting and soothing, ear-catching melodies, we caught up with Chwis to find out what he likes to get up to on his day off.

My Alarm goes off… I think about music. 

The first thing I do… drink a smoothie then workout/gym/play basketball. 

My typical day involves… watching videos, listening to other artists’ music, or looking up anything that can inspire me to write more songs.

The best part of my day… is when new ideas come to me and I get to bring them to life, transforming it into a story in my songs. Even if a quick melody comes up, I voice record it so I don’t forget later. 

The worst pay of my day is when… at night I have to be more quiet and I can’t really make music 

At the end of my day, I will… listen to calm music, do some relaxing yoga to clear my mind. 

If I wasn’t a musician I’d be…. an ICU nurse. 

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