Hannah Slavin - 'I Don’t Have a Clue'


Around this point last year when I felt like I’d completed Apple Music I realised that for the last decade or so I’d been trapped inside a Truman Show world of indie music, completely oblivious to anything outside of those all too familiar surroundings. Once I’d clambered up the steps and out the door it was clear I’d been missing out on an awful lot of incredible music. 

One year on and artists like Glasgow’s Hannah Slavin with her brand of RnB pop are the reason that I’ve never returned for anything more than a brief visit to my old landscape. Scotland’s RnB pop scene really is the gift that keeps on giving with no end of great acts emerging from Glasgow, Edinburgh and beyond. 

Having been named an ‘Artist to Watch’ in 2020 by BBC Introducing thanks to her 2019 debut single ‘I Am a Mess’ and follow-up ‘I Don’t Give a Fuck About You,’ Hannah Slavin is back with the every bit as infectious ‘I Don’t Have a Clue’. The multi-layered production is served to perfection as synth beats are scattered throughout the mix without ever sounding accidental, each tone adds to the personality and character of the track. 

Unsurprisingly given it’s been haunting us for the last year of our lives, lockdown played a starring role in the creation of ‘I Don’t Have a Clue’ which makes it wonderfully relatable as you’re invited to her pity party (socially distanced of course). 

‘I think when you spend a huge amount of time alone and in your own head, you can very quickly start to question everything about yourself and suddenly you’re trapped in this negative spiral’ Slavin explains. “I guess this song just explores those different emotions I went through throughout lockdown, but to be honest I think the truth is that everybody else doesn’t have a clue either.”

Words by Richard Cobb