#Inspired 261 - Tinderbox

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Hull’s Tinderbox recently released their new single ‘Salt’ featuring Yorkshire artist Alice Simmons, we spoke to the band to find out just what it is that inspires them.

Who are your top three musical inspirations?

My top three musical inspirations are Stevie Nicks, Ben Howard and Bon Iver. However, a lot of my lyrical inspiration stems from KALEO and Of Monsters and Men. I love the way these artists use personification to bring their lyrics to life, this is what my aim was with ‘Salt’. 

Is there a certain film that inspires you?

A film that inspires me the most is probably ‘Into the Wild’. Even though the ending is heartbreaking, the sense of freedom the film holds compares to nothing else. 

What city do you find the most inspiring?

One of my favourite cities in the world is Lisbon, I spent a lot of my childhood there so each street has given me a memory or a story. As a lyricist I think it's important to study places as well as people. Lisbon has a way of becoming alive, each building can be personified and around every corner there is something that brings more life to the city. 

Who is the most inspiring person to you?

The most inspiring person to me is my mum! She’s so fearless and independent, its extremely empowering to have such a strong female role model in my life.

What were your inspirations when writing your new track?

My inspiration for ‘Salt’ stems from my curiosity of the Dead Sea in Israel. Ordinary oceans flow and pulsate with life,but the Dead Sea is stagnant, landlocked and poisoned with salt. It made me think of how the emotions in relationships change over time. Passion never lasts and although sometimes there can be the comfort of never being able to sink or drown, for me at least there is always that longing to be free again. I prefer the rough waters of oceans that are alive even if they bring unpredictability and the loss of security.

How would you like to inspire people?

As a female folk / indie musician who is trying to make her imprint on the music industry I would love to inspire women / girls to use their voice through music. A large part of my music is my lyrical content, I wear my heart on my sleeve and write about personal experiences I have gone through and grown through. If someone can relate to my music in any way then that's enough for me, for someone to know they aren’t isolated when it comes to a particular feeling or state of mind.  

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