In Conversation With #142 - Smoothboi Ezra

Ezra LeonMcCullough.jpg

Smoothboi Ezra took a moment to talk to us about their brand new EP ‘Stuck’. 

Hey there Smoothboi Ezra, how are you? So your EP is finally here, how does it feel to have it out there in the world?
It feels great, I’m really happy it’s out now, can’t wait to perform the songs that are in it.

It is titled ‘Stuck’ - does that have a certain meaning behind it?
It is the title track of the EP and It’s about feeling stuck in a relationship and wanting to end it but not knowing how.

Where was the EP recorded? Any behind the scenes stories you are happy to share with us from the creative process?
There are no exciting behind the scene stories as I recorded it all on my own in my bedroom late at night.

The title track has a touching lo-fi music video - how does it connect with the song?
I feel like the music video explains the song really well, it’s almost exactly the real story.

The EP explores your experiences as a non-binary person on the autism spectrum - especially when it comes to relationships. Can you explain this a bit further for us?
I think I have explained it in as much detail as I wish to in the music.

Do you have a favorite lyric on the EP? If so, which one and why?
I like the opening line to Stuck a lot, because I actually did it. (“I count the steps from my house to yours / To see if my legs are longer than before”

Now the EP is out there - what next for you?
I’m looking forward to performing live. 

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