Track Premiere: Ophelia - 'Japenese Peru'

Branching out from his time fronting Leeds indie-poppers Talkboy, Tim Malkin unveils the debut single from his Ophelia solo project. We’re thrilled to be able to give you an exclusive first listen of ‘Japenese Peru’, which is out on 26th June through Learn Fear Records.

Malkin describes the song as being “about an idyllic place that may or may not exist, and the hope that you’ll get there one day. I hope that people feel hopeful! I think we’ve all been waiting for the clouds to clear for ages now, and we’ve had to just keep going without any certainty about how its all going to turn out. I think hope is quite often misinterpreted as naivety... there is a lot of thinking about stuff that could have been / might be, all those things that keeps you up on a rainy lockdown Tuesday night".

"I recorded the song at producer Mickey’s house and we invited some friends to play on it, which resulted in us recording a real string section in his kitchen one bright Sunday afternoon, which was bizarre and which helped to make it all sound so unique".

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