Introducing #177 - Miloe


Let us introduce you to nineteen year old Minneapolis artist Miloe - who has just released his summer fueled sun drenched rom-com-pop single ‘Winona’ - which is taken from his ‘Greenhouse EP’. He took a moment to talk to us about his music. 

Hey there Miloe, how are you? So your track ‘Winona’ is out now, can you tell us what it is about? 
Winona is about feeling guilt for past mistakes and how being passive can lead to losing people you care about. 

It is taken from your debut EP ‘Greenhouse’ - what are the key themes on the EP?
For me the Greenhouse EP is an ode to summer and the adventures and feeling that come about in that time. I touch on different relationship dynamics with other people and my relationship to myself. 

Where are you based? What are your favorite things to do there? 
I am based out of Minneapolis, i love exploring and being out in nature out here. I live to sit and do nothing outside 

What are your main influences when it comes to your music? 
Congolese artists like Lokua Lanza, and Papa Wemba are a big influence. I also love artists like Jay Som , Noname and Coldplay!

How would you describe your sound to someone who has never listened to your music before? 
I think I would describe my music as easy going and light hearted.