In Conversation With #149 - Lucid Express

Lucid Express Landscape Promo 2 by Katy Ng.jpg

Hong Kong based Lucid Express took a moment to talk to us about their self-titled debut album - which is out now via Kanine Records.

Hey there, how are you? So your album is out now - how does it feel to have it out there in the world?
Kim (vocals/synth): The feeling is unreal!!!! And such a relief - as we had gone through a lot of hardship along the way.
Sky (guitar): A milestone achieved, it feels like we have finished a long trip. Now we need to recharge and wait for another departure 

What is the album called? What is the meaning behind that?
Kim: Same as our name “Lucid Express”! The meaning behind that is that we want our listeners to go through a nice trip listening to our music. 

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process that you are happy to share with us? 
Kim: It was all recorded in our practice place/studio. The most funny/exciting part was that we recorded the vocal chorus part together on “Ado”, with the voices of a few of our friends too. That night was so fun! And I’m glad to include our friends on it.
Andy (guitar): We used a lot of irregular ways to find new sounds that we could use in the songs and the results are very satisfying and surprising.

What are the key themes and influences on this album? 
Andy: The theme of this album is to let the audience feel our emotions, and hope that the audience can also experience our emotional ups and downs.

Do you have a favorite lyric on the album? If so, which one and why? 
Wai (drums): “Time was going slow, felt like something happened we didn’t know” , because sometimes when you feel helpless or stressed, that's actually something that will come to you in a good way . 
Kim: “Lies or compromises I’ll never know” - because it pretty much captures my view on most people……… especially after being hurt badly. 

Now the album is out there - what next for you?
Kim: Tours and the next album (we’re on the way now). And probably re-release our first EP. 
Sky: Have drinks and celebrate with friends and then make some new songs we like as always.

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