Jane Leo - 'The More You Know'


A unique collaboration between Jane Ellen Bryant and Daniel Leopold - under the name Jane Leo, they release their gritty new single ‘The More You Know’. 

Following on from their debut single, ‘The More You Know’ has a more sexier sound - almost more edgy too. Fusing together the vocals of Jane with Daniel’s guitar swagger, it is the perfect combo for a dark-indie fueled cinematic track that belongs on some cool hipster movie soundtrack. 

Writing together over the past couple years, Jane Leo began organically as the couple evolved their relationship into a musical collaboration, progressing into a literal merge of their monikers to create their nom de plume. Blending touches of Blondie, Charlotte Gainsbourg and Angel Olsen with an edge of Jeff Buckley, The Kills or St. Vincent, the project juxtaposes lilting melodies with rock machismo and lush, cinematic Hollywood production alongside modern indie and synthpop sensibilities for a pristine effect. Compounding onto their respective solo ventures, the duo prove equally apt as acoustic balladeers and alternative rockers - intertwining electricity and lust, 808 heartbeats and sweating velvet rhythms, symmetrical guitars rhyming in passionate chant.

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