Introducing #189 - gglum


Let us introduce you to English/Finnish artist gglum - who has just released her latest single ‘Navy’ which is taken from her debut EP ‘once the edge has worn off’, due out the 28th October. After an incredible response for previous single ‘glad ur gone’ - gglum is back with the Jadu Heart produced ‘Navy’. A track which displays her interesting sound with refreshingly honest lyrics. She took a moment to talk to us about her music. 

Hey there gglum, how are you? So your track ‘Navy’ is out now - can you tell us what it is about? 
I’m good, thank you!! So Navy is all about two people not being able to communicate with each other. Both people want to say something to address the elephant in the room but neither of them can muster up the courage to speak first. I really wanted to reflect how frustrating that feeling is.

Where was the video filmed for the track? Any behind the scenes stories from making it that you are happy to share with us? 
I actually had the easiest job for this video. I went to the director's (Dave Monis) house and basically just lip synced and sulked in front of a green screen for a few hours. I shot my music video for Soft Underbelly with Dave so it was quite easy to get back into the groove of things. It was actually quite a hectic video to organise because I didn’t have much free time in the weeks leading up to the release of Navy to actually film. We ended up doing it all quite last minute with me running around the shops on the day before the shoot, taking photos of loads of clothes and sending them to Dave to approve.

Along with the track - you have announced your debut EP. When can we hear that? And what can we expect from it? 
My EP, once the edge has worn off, is out on the 28th of October which feels like it’s coming up really quickly! I always find it hard to describe my music or projects, just because I can never listen to the completed tracks with fresh ears. I like to think that the EP has a good variety to it, just because I really enjoyed experimenting with new things while making this project. All the songs were written about situations that had concluded or calmed down a while before I wrote the songs. I didn’t really have the time or stamina to really sit with my feelings when all these situations and changes were going on so writing these song’s was my way of giving myself space to process how I had felt during those times.

What are the key themes and influences when it comes to your music? 
I always find that places influence my music and lyrics. When I’m writing I visualise a room or a scene where something important has happened for me and write about it. In terms of themes, I think the main idea I keep going back to in my music is feeling out of place and not quite knowing why I feel that detachment, but generally I feel like my music is like my diary. When I write I feel free to be completely honest with my feelings, because usually I can’t admit how I truly feel to myself and others (kinda like a diary).

How would you describe your sound to someone who has never listened to your music before?
I'd probably describe my sound as airy. That's the only word I can think of  for it. I just hope that when people are listening they feel like they're in my little universe haha.

WTHB OnlineFeatures, Introducing