The Duo Explains: lavender - 'secure'

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The latest act to be signed by the London based radio station and label - the duo lavender have just announced their new EP ‘all will be well’ - to be released this Autumn. The duo took a moment to talk to us about their new track ‘secure’ and their fun music video that comes with it. 

Hey there lavender - how are you? So your new track ‘secure’ is out now - can you tell us what it is about?
We're splendid thanks, how are you? secure is all about chasing a dream and having a work ethic in a creative sense. It rang true when EasWay sent us back his first take on the track a couple years ago, which proved to be weirdly prophetic and has become more and more relevant to us as we've gone on. It's become a bit of a mantra for us so we had to include it on the EP!

Along with the track, you have just announced your debut EP. When can we get to hear that and what can we expect from it?
We have indeeeeeeed - we can't wait for people to hear it. It's called 'all will be well' and is coming out this autumn. In terms of what to expect from it, we want the EP to be a pretty solid introduction to our sound, kind of walking through a few of the different influences and strands that feed into lavender. The EP was made over the past couple years, and is bookended by tracks that we made at the peak of lockdown that document the journey of the EP!

What are the key influences on the EP?
Ooooo key influences, late night journeys, off-licenses, takeaways, commuting, beigel bake, cycling through an eerily empty london, sugar rushes, long phone calls, the search to find balance & oskar's search to find new balances. Realise this might read like our okay cupid profile, but you asked.

It is being released via - how does it feel to be part of their family?
It feels so great, there are so many amazing artists and creatives in the family and they're an incredibly supportive team. We were big fans of theirs before they hit us up, and so we felt really honoured to be one of their first signings on the label. Also worth saying everyone should also check out the MILYMA EP they just put out, it's amazing.

Where was the video for the track filmed? Any behind the scenes stories from making it that you are happy to share with us?
So the video was shot across San Francisco & London. The video was very loosely inspired by the film The Pursuit of Happyness and many of the shots in San Fran mirror the same locations as the film. There is some behind the scenes footage of us dancing on a crowded train platform in Kings Cross that we hope will never see the light of day. Another funny part that is hard to notice but we shot the scene of us running across the overpass quite early in the day which was the most exercise either of us has done in years, and we both independently pulled muscles. So all subsequent shots we're just moving slightly oddly.

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