Lindsey Rose Black - 'Clutch'

Lindsey Rose Black continues to mesmerize us with her latest installment ‘Clutch’. 

Combining the quirky flow of Lily Allen mixed together with the fuzz of St Vincent. Produced with Local Natives' Matthew Frazier and John Velasquez (Ella Vos, Zella Day), Clutch is an indie pop song about choosing pleasure and pain with a sound reminiscent of St Vincent and Metric, but with a distinct experimental twist. It's perfect for a post-Valentine's Day cleanse and reset for all the solo hearts out there.

Clutch is at once both dark and playful. Of the track, Black shares, “It’s about knowing in your gut that a relationship is doomed, but desperately clinging to it for one more hit of pleasure while you can. Intuition is such a profound wisdom in all of us, but a buzzkill to say the least when you're not ready to accept the truth about a relationship. Clutch takes this concept to the extreme, anthropomorphizing intuition as a relentless monster that, try as we might, we can't outrun."