Inspired #367 - Huwbergine

Bringing a huge dose of playful pop to the world - Huwbergine has just released his new bop ‘Back Then’. A feel good dance tune that blends a mixture of Rex Orange County and Tame Impala. He took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind his music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
Tricky question! I have so many that inspire me in different ways. I think for this particular project I’d say Prince, Tame Impala and Connan Mockasin. I was listening to those artists a lot over lockdown, particularly Prince’s Sign O’ The Times. I’m primarily a guitarist and front a psychedelic rock band called KOYO, so I grew up worshipping a lot of guitar based music. I started this project as a means of expressing myself in different ways (mainly using synths) and to stretch my producer skills. At that time I was loving the sheer synth driven funkiness of that album and its infectious grooves. Like on Hot Thing. Kinda like Quincy Jones’ productions. 

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why? 
Not particularly but there was a certain film that inspired the video. I dressed up as Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. We re-enacted different TV programmes like the weather and the news so when I’m flicking through the TV I’m tripping out wondering why I’m seeing myself on each channel. We thought it’d be cool to re-enact a movie scene and do something whacky so we chose American Psycho. Mainly just because we thought it’d be fun to get covered in fake blood and I’d just been to a fancy dress party dressed as him so had all the stuff. We got some looks from the neighbours when we were rinsing off the bloody raincoat and the axe in the back garden. 

What city do you find the most inspiring and why? 
It’d be rude not to say Leeds really, since I’ve spent the last 10 years here. Not sure exactly why but that’s how it’s turned out, and I’ve met a hell of a lot of people here that have inspired me a hell of a lot during that time. I guess that’s the reason why. 

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why? 
I’d have to split that one between my Dad and my Grandad. My Dad because he gave me my love for music and my Grandad because I think my musical talent stems from him. 

What were your inspirations when writing your new track? 
Aside from the artists mentioned already, I’d probably say I’ve been most inspired by just feeling involved in music again. I started this project during lockdown but this track was written around the time things first started to open up again. I got reminded of exactly why I love music and I think it’s mostly related to being around other musicians, playing gigs and sharing a love for it. Without that, it’s difficult to remember why you love it so much.  You can practice all day long, but if you’ve got nothing to practice for it can be difficult to see why. You can have a lot of existential crisis’. 

How would you like to inspire people?
Through my music. I hope they see what I’m trying to do and that it inspires them to try something of their own. 

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