Inspired #368 - Erin Bloomer

Breakout star Erin Bloomer shares new single 'THERAPY' via the first-ever TikTok distribution deal. 

Erin Bloomer was about to sit her A-Levels when the UK went into lockdown. A shared seminal moment from school to freedom, Erin found herself at home alone with thoughts whirling around about what to do next. Fast forward one year, the 19-year-old pop artist uploaded a drive-with-me clip of breakup-song ‘F U & F Her Too’ onto TikTok, and a viral hit was born. Receiving over 1 million views in two days from young women who resonated with Erin's candour and diaristic writing style, ‘F U & F Her Too’ captured the mood of Gen Z and the instinctive, often ‘ugly’ feeling of resentment when you are cheated on, entering the Spotify viral UK chart and hit #25 on iTunes chart on the day of release.

The breakout star had shared her brand new single, ‘Therapy’. Finding inspiration from her friends  (and their ex-boyfriends) the powerful track lands as an ode to working on your mental health, and appreciating partners who do the same.

She took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
Lady Gaga as she is so unapologetically herself. She isn’t afraid to push the boundaries and say her piece which I absolutely love about her. She has the most iconic outfits and iconic music, so I would definitely say she is pretty inspiring.
Secondly I would say Queen as I grew up always listening to them thanks to my dad. He was their biggest fan and I absolutely adore every song they have ever made together. My personal favourite has to be ‘Love of my life’ as it is so completely raw. I want to be able to connect with an audience like that.
Thirdly, Ash Nikko as I love how playful and carefree she is. She definitely has her own style which really represents her brand + I think that is fab.

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why?
I am honestly awful with remembering film names, but one that has really stuck with me was probably ‘the blind side’ as it shows that a little bit of kindness and empathy can change lives.

What city do you find the most inspiring and why?
I guess I would have to say London as it is the only one I have properly experienced. I also recently just moved up here, so I would say it is very inspiring as it represents the new chapter in my life of adulthood and new fun experiences.

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why?
My parents. Seeing the way that they have dealt with every struggle thrown at them in life, and still having a positive outlook and being wonderful people - to me, its bloody amazing as it can be so easy to let that weigh you down and become resentful. They showed me that it doesn’t have to be that way :)

What were your inspirations when writing your new track?
I think that destigmatising therapy in itself is really important. It is an attractive thing in a partner as it not only shows that you are bettering yourself for you, but for those around you as well. It is not something to be ashamed of and it should be normalised.

How would you like to inspire people?
I want people to be able to be their best and most positive version of themselves. I feel that what you put out into the world, you get back, so if you are kind and empathetic - you will get good things coming back to you and you will also be treated with the same respect. So let’s all put out that positive energy :)

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