Introducing #225 - BONZE

Let us introduce you to BONZE who recently released his new single ‘Give In’.

Though previously working as an A&R, a guest songwriter, and a top line artist, after all this time is now ready to invite people into his world. A landscape marked by precocious alt-pop that pivots between underground dance music and revelatory songwriting while touching upon explicitly personal experiences. He took a moment to talk us through his music.

Hey Bonze - how are you? So you've just released your latest single - how does it feel to have it out there in the world?

Very busy but very good! Think I’m writing 6 Singles, whilst prepping the live show whilst prepping music videos as well as moving apartment!  It Feels great [to have the single out], I hope others enjoy it as much as I loved writing it

 It is called ‘Give In’. Can you tell us what it's about?

My first Single ‘Self’ was about doing good by, and relying on yourself. Single number 2 of the year is about the opposite; it’s about giving in to external pleasures, even if they’re bad for you in the long run. The premise of ‘Give In’ is set on the same foundation of most addiction and hedonism, though that’s not totally what it’s about. “Taste so bitter but it feels so good” - describes a feeling where you know you shouldn’t - but you know you’re going to. ‘Give In’ is one of my favourite songs to play live so I’ll be writing more songs like it. It also took quite a long time to write as I wrote it with 3 producers befriend getting it mastered…

You are based in London - what are your favourite things to do there? Where do you go for adventures?

Though, lots of people are shocked when they meet me and I say this; I’m actually a bit of an introvert - I stay inside my apartment a lot making music but when I go out I usually go to bars in south London and play the occasional bit of tennis and boxing. London is my favourite city by far. 

 It's a city with a deep musical history, how has that impacted on your music?

San Scout and Jai Paul are two artists/bands from just outside of London and they’re both a huge influence on this track for me. I feel London is the best place in the world for this kind of music and there’s such an underground electronic and alternative scene. London’s literally dripping with indie talent, I love finding another song by another random London artist every week. I feel London artists generally are geniuses at combining genres like electronic and alternative to indie etc; and that’s exactly what I continue to hope to do with my own music. 


What are the key influences in your music?

My last song combined alt-pop with nine inch nails & hints of the darker side of techno. This song is HUGELY influenced by Jai Paul & Two Feet. I wanted hints of Paul’s fat but delicate vocals and bass whilst building to a Two Feet-like guitar lick alongside a sub-bass drop. I wanted this song to be less about the song-writing and more about my “sound” in terms of the instrumental. The next songs will be more song-writing-based. 

How would you describe your sound to someone who has never listened to your music before?

God knows!?