Inspired #383 - Bo Milli

Norway based indie-rock newcomer Bo Milli has just released her new single ‘How It Is’ - a hooky, surge of indie rock, nodding to acts such as Phoebe Bridgers, The Beths, Diet Cig, Soccer Mommy and nostalgic mid-00s teen anthems. 

New single "How It Is" grew out of an attempt at writing a "proper riff" according to Bo Milli, "something bold and power-chordy and maybe a bit dumb". Lyrically the track proposes an interesting juxtaposition between apathy and youthful determination, seeing her lament procrastination, admit to being on the verge of tears for days at a time and recount thinking she might die on the 10-hour bus ride home.

Bo Milli took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
Difficult to list! Rather than make a definitive top three or pick randomly from my favorites I’ll share some moments of inspiration that stand out to me 
Elliot Smith: needs no introduction, really great songs with great lyrics. I love how the songs often take unexpected turns but never in a self-conscious way.
Car Seat Headrest: I got really into them in high school and remember being floored that you could write lyrics like that. I still very much appreciate their sense of humour.
Fleet Foxes: The tradition I’m in tends to be angsty and turned in on itself. I admire how Fleet Foxes manage to write about modern life but kind of turn it outward by placing it in a bigger world, using a lot of traditional sounding phrases and describing nature a lot. Their first three records soundtracked 2021 for me.

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why? 
I was (like many people) recently blown away by Everything Everywhere All At Once — technically super impressive, and the theme of finding productive ways of thinking and living despite chaos and meaninglessness was very heartening. 

What city do you find the most inspiring and why? 
I’ve barely traveled as an adult, but I’ll go with London. Being swallowed up by such a huge and populous place with such a long and varied history made a strong impression on me. 

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why? 
I’m not sure I could name "the most inspiring" with much confidence, but I’ve been reading about the freedom riders, and John Lawson comes to mind. He was at the forefront of the action, and also had a very clear understanding of his own philosophy - he seems curious, wise, persuasive and courageous. He was instrumental in the civil rights movement, and has continued to fight on all kinds of fronts into his 90’s. 

What were your inspirations when writing How It Is? 
It was prompted by a very hungover bus-trip, and the feeling of general dread I had at that time. The first verse and refrain is an attempt to describe that real life experience. Other than that it owes a lot to that 90’s aimlessness that has been continuously rephrased ever since then. I reference The Strokes in the second verse, and the shoulder-shrugging phrase "you know how it is" echoes "is this it?" in a way. 

How would you like to inspire people?
With this song I hope to inspire people to dance and perform air-guitar solos!

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