Introducing #245 - Nicola Høie

Let us introduce you to rising pop-superstar Nicola Høie - who has just released her debut track ‘Secrets’. 

‘Secrets’ is the first track to be released by Nicola Høie and kick-starts a series of future hits. Written by Joseph Smithson and Jess Eigen, produced by the former, and mixed by Axel Reinemer, the punchy and contemporary production perfectly complements her unique vocals.

Describing ‘Secrets’, Nicola adds: “I’m so excited for my first track to come out! I feel that quite a few people will relate to Secrets. I think a lot of us have had relationships with people who aren’t good for you, and you find yourself giving them too many chances to change their crappy ways. It’s just the same repetition over and over and you don’t have a choice but to leave and break free of the toxic cycle. I hope I can send a message through this song and make listeners feel that they deserve better and sometimes it’s better to walk away.”

Hailing from Norway and residing in Denmark, the young rising star can’t help but be inspired by her Scandinavian roots as well as looking to the UK and USA for a variety of influences. She has spent the last 2 years honing her craft, working with some of the world’s best songwriters and working on her debut album between Stockholm, Berlin and Liverpool.

She took a moment to talk to us about her music. 

Hey Nicola, how are you? So your debut track ‘Secrets’ is out now - can you tell us what it is about? 
Hi, I’m good, thank you. My song Secrets is about a bad relationship. It’s about liking someone who isn’t good for you and you don’t want to acknowledge your feelings for them or give them the satisfaction of knowing that you're interested. It’s about having history with someone you know isn’t good for you and they make a bunch of empty promises saying they have changed when in reality they haven’t. 

Where are you from and what are your favorite things to do there? 
I was born in Norway but was raised in France. My family moved there when I was a kid. Growing up I loved sports and doing outdoor activities. I was a bit of a hyperactive child I would say. I would always climb the tallest trees and roofs on houses. Parents would always call my mom or dad because they were worried I would hurt myself but my parents had to always let them know that everything would be fine and I would come down sooner or later so that was always funny. But aside from that, I always loved to travel and see the world. My favourite memory was when my family and I went traveling when I was 12. That experience is always something I will treasure. It taught me so much.

What are the key influences when it comes to your music? 
I have a lot of different sounds to my songs but I would say my main key influences are Adele, Pink and The Weeknd. I don’t get tired of listening to their stuff.

How would you describe your sound to someone who has never listened to your music before? 
I would describe my sound as something modern yet classic. I want to make music which will be timeless. I have a lot of fun tracks which will make you want to dance and then I have others that get me every time I sing them.

Now the track is out there, what next for you? 
I’m excited for my next song to come out which is called Never Buy My Love. I can't wait for people to hear that! I have a lot more recording planned too, I am always writing and working on new music. Of course there are other things planned but I will let you wait and see as I can’t tell you everything.