In Conversation With #215 - Ira Nor

Oslo-based pop newcomer Ira Nor has just released her debut EP ‘Swim Ira’ via 777 Music. 

Sonically the EP looks to the future, but the synths and general warmth feel all kinds of Blade Runner nostalgic. Turn your attention to Ira’s warped vocals though, and suddenly the lyrical anguish behind the bangers hits home.

She took a moment to talk to us about how the EP came together. 

Hey there Ira Nor - how are you? So your EP is out now - how does it feel to have it out there in the world?  
Hi! I’m good thank you! It feels like I’ve been waiting a lifetime. And in a way I have done exactly that since this is the first time finally sharing what I’ve kept hidden close to my heart for so long.

It is called ‘Swim Ira’ - what is the meaning behind that?  
It’s me telling myself that I've got to keep swimming to keep myself from drowning in the ocean of darkness (feelings) that’s always there underneath me.

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us?  
Most of this EP was recorded in a closet in my bedroom. I hung up some blankets and closed the door to get a decent acoustic for recording and just poured my heart out. This EP was written in my home while I was cleaning, eating, sleeping, doing laundry - all while being in a writing session with my producer (who also is my roommate), so it’s definitely a result of something created in my most intimate and personal environment and state of mind.

What are the key themes and influences on the EP?  
The colour blue, my actual fear of deep waters, futurism, and the thought of my human body merging with technology - therefore heavy vocal processing and effects

Do you have a favorite lyric on the EP - if so, which one and why?  
It must be the second verse of “dance in pain”:
“Will I dance with you in my dreams tonight 
In my, in my dreams tonight  
Still feels like swords to my skin every time  
I wake up from that  
I wake up from us 
I gotta dance in my pain...” 

Now the EP is out there - what next?  
I’m going to play some concerts and finish up new music I hopefully will release shortly after the EP.

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