Inspired #421 - Louise Lemón

Louise Lemón releases powerful new single ‘Tears As Fuel’. 

With vocals reminiscent of Cat Power, Lana Del Rey and PJ Harvey’s open and airy noir-sound, Louise Lemon has an ability to conjure beauty from disparity with her dark and honest lyrics bringing pain, desire, and desperation together. Her enchanting, eerie and ethereal voice is the centrepiece of ‘Tears as Fuel’, carried by deep and emotive piano instrumentation. 

Commenting on the new single Louise Lemón said; " When all you have with someone is tears, you will drink those up like they are wine. I started telling myself, If love is true, he’ll truly hurt you, cause why else would there only be these tears. When you have nothing, pain is something, so sometimes you’d rather hold on to that than be left with nothing. The musicians I play with went above and beyond incorporating their passion and making this pain come to life and become something that is love."

She took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
My biggest inspiration are people close to me, emotions, love. When I wrote this album I listened alot to Chris Stapleton, David Crosby and the Rolling Stones. For me music needs to have soul, it needs to be real, I want to be able to connect to the sounds. I’m drawn to melancholy and a kind of desperation, where there is a clear need to sing, to play certain notes.

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why? 
Léon holds a special place for me, I think the bond of a father figure and a little girl who is very strong speaks to me. 

What city do you find the most inspiring and why?
I love traveling  and discovering new places, I love the freedom and the feeling of being present I get when traveling. But I also love the feeling of having a sense of home at different places and this album is definitely made in and of Barcelona. 

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why? 
I take my inspirations from the loves that cause my earth to move, in good and bad ways. I love to feel and sometimes the high tide turns low.

What were your inspirations when writing your new track?
The inspiration for this track is when you come to a certain point with someone and you can see things in a different light, it’s both the sorrow and the relief of seeing a relationship for what it actually is. 

How would you like to inspire people?
I would love to inspire people to dare to have an open heart, to love fully and to dare to feel all the emotions, we need it. Even though it can be scary and hurt it is still worth it for the highs, the sense of actually being alive

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