SCARLET- 'New Space'

SCARLET’s new single and video drop will have you holding back tears.

SCARLET has made a name for herself not only as an innovative alt-rock artist but also as an emotive visual creator, working alongside her long-term collaborator, director,  Phoebe Dowling.

The track captures the excruciating pain of losing the one you love, only to watch them fall into the arms of another. SCARLET’s vocals simmer over a rushing cascade of electronic drums and a buzzing bass. Her writing conveys an internal anguish that can’t be fought, while her use of layered vocals allows the listener to feel the echo of questions racing through her mind.

“You hold her like you held me. Does she taste just as sweet as me?”

The song’s internal hysteria perfectly depicts the dark side of love. The video, directed by Dowling, creates a visual balance that draws out the complex and nuanced conversations surrounding the confusing beauty of losing love.

SCARLET appears in a white dress, submerged in water among vibrant flowers. She tosses and turns, at times letting herself be fully submerged and at others floating just above the surface. The sharp intercutting of SCARLET, veiled in front of a bright golden light, evokes thoughts of ascension.

The audience views a brightly lit SCARLET wander through a dark forest and watch as she burns brighter and brighter illuminating the natural beauty surrounding her. The floral imagery across the video reflects the wilting nature of love and the blooming opportunities it presents.

SCARLET and Dowling masterfully present both hope and resurrection for a life shattered by an all-encompassing love. New Space is a heart wrenching track set to SCARLET’s signature haunting yet nostalgic sound. 

Words by Adam Mir