Aby Coulibaly - 'Patience'

R&B singer Aby Coulibaly returns with her latest single ‘Patience’.

Taking inspiration from her experience of being someone on the outside looking in, Aby explains: “’Patience’ is a song about escapism & being in your own world. Feeling different, like an alien or that you don’t fully belong somewhere. Sat in a coffee shop window, watching a world go by that you don’t feel part of’.

With life as her muse, it's a stunning song that feels authentic and honest, combining Coulibaly’s gorgeous, wavy, laidback vocals with classic R&B instrumentations. Its distinctively electronic tone that's set against a swirling beat embodies summer sunshine, showing once again her versatility within the R&B genre.

From the opening chords the track is sweet, smooth and beautifully blends together the soundtracks of her youth. Brought up on 90s RnB instrumentation and rap beats, the song is a stunning look at modern songwriting and musicianship. Her soft Dublin accent shines through her buttery vocals and her tone has an assurance and strength to it that is a testament to all she has achieved over the last years.

‘City girls pushing past me like I’m so invisible, bursting at the seams like they're above the law - wonder what its like to be confident like that. But I’m vulnerable, overthink and analyse the darkest thoughts. I was told that love was unconditional until you scratch the surface, realise nothings perfect.’

The verse notes Coulibaly’s experiences of heartbreak, disappointment and disillusionment with the world that has forced her to question the idealised notion of unconditional love. Her understanding of what love is has fractured and she recognises now that like everything else in life, it has flaws and imperfections. She feels a separation from those around her and admits to a tendency to ruminate and delve into negative and anxious thinking patterns; the polar opposite of the self assured and headstrong city girls who surround her. As she heads into the chorus, she reflects on the complexities and nuances of love and realises that her experiences may not always align with the idealised notions she has been previously presented with. She understands though that the reality of finding something good requires time, dedication and above all patience.

‘I’ve been building castles in my dreams, pillars made of brighter self esteem. Screaming out in silence, I don’t know the science. Still hanging on patience, hanging on patiently. Hanging on patience, hanging on patiently.’

The harmonies in the chorus are nothing short of sublime. The notes are suspended over one another and bleed into the next line, embodying the way in which she is holding on and waiting things out. As she continues her journey of self-realisation, she begins to understand that much of the noise around her is taken up by people in similar circumstances who, like her, are trying to ‘fill the void’. She watches those around her as they too navigate the trials and tribulations of love and life and slowly comes to see that the good things come to those who wait for something special: ‘I still watch the world outside my window, theres a silver lining I should follow’.

The release comes ahead of a busy Spring and Summer season for Coulibaly. At the end of the month, she will be travelling to Dundee to take on the iconic Radio 1 Big Weekend Stage and as the days continue to get warmer, she has a series of festival features peppered into her diary which culminate with a set at All Points East that’s sure to be sensational.

Words by Kirsty-Ann Thomson