Band Of The Week #240 - Fräulein

This week’s Band of the Week is Northern Irish / Dutch dup Fräulein - who have just released their new EP ‘Pedestal’ via Submarine Cat Records. 

The EP is the band’s follow up from their debut EP ‘A Small Taste’ which saw the band lay down blueprints of their early sound - using 90s rock vibes and mixing it with an influenced alt rock sound from bands like The Breeders and PJ Harvey. Put together over three days with producer Ali Chant, who has worked with the likes of Yard Act, Sorry and Soccer Mommy - ‘Pedestal’ EP takes on the themes from their debut, maintaining their infectious, raw live sound but with the added confidence to experiment in the studio, creating a more coherent and mature body of work.

They took a moment to talk to us about how the EP came together.

Hey there Fräulein - how are you? So your EP is out now - how does it feel to have it out there in the world? 
Hey there WTHB! We’re doing great, and happily busy. Releasing a full project always feels so surreal, knowing all the work, time and effort we’ve put into everything around it. We’re super proud of how it’s all turned out and couldn’t be more grateful to the team around us. We’re always so impatient to show people the work we’ve done, so finally having it out feels really great.

It is called ‘Pedestal’ - what is the meaning behind that? 
We both sat together one afternoon and listed all of the songs we had so far that we knew we wanted to be on the EP. Looking at the lyrics and themes of each song, we realised there was a bit of a narrative around around confidence, being wanted, seeking approval and ultimately discovering it in yourself. We wrote loads of key words and ‘Pedestal’ kept coming up; putting someone or something on a pedestal worked as the perfect concept for the EP and really conjured an image for us. That image paired with the songs really fleshes out the pitfalls of comparison in a creative sense and ties in really nicely with what Joni’s saying in the lyrics.

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us? 
Karsten: The EP was recorded with Ali Chant in Bristol, in his place called ‘Toybox Studios’. A beautiful and densely packed studio, filled with trinkets, pictures and of course instruments that made you drool. One of my favourite videos is one I took of Ali shaking a tambourine with this super intense look on his face, I’d be more than happy to send that through!
Joni: One of my favourite moments was recording ‘Big Cool’. It was one of the most challenging to get the bones of the track right, but once we did we had loads of fun. The vocals were recorded in one (and only one) take. The claps you hear in the breakdown are all of us clapping in unison and it being picked up by the room mics. That was a hectic day!

What are the key themes and influences on the EP?
J: As we have already alluded to, the EP is about comparison, confidence and power dynamics in relationships with friends and peers. I usually write when I need an outlet, so my lyrics always seem to come from a bit of a low or introspective place, and the EP tells a story of growing confidence; starting off with ‘Pet’ which is talking about feeling like you’re under someone’s thumb, and ending on ‘Brand New’, where I’m feeling refreshed, observant and critical of the things I’m putting on the titular ‘Pedestal’ of the EP. I really love the story that this EP tells, and I hope that people can relate in some way.

If the EP could be the soundtrack to any film - which one would it be and why?
K: Damn, this is a great question. I feel like there are certain songs I’d pair with specific movies, but as an overall thing, I’d want it to be with Kill Bill (Vol. 1). Uma’s progression throughout that movie from being lost and hurt to tackling her own demons would fit super well with the EP I think!
J: Hell yes!

Do you have a favorite lyric on the EP - if so, which one and why?
For me, it would have to be a line from ‘Brand New’. Specifically:

‘And it all spills out, dripping down your chin
Feast on me, ‘till I’m ready again’

I like visualizing things, so with the context of the rest of this EP and this track, this line feels super cathartic to me.
J: I’d also say the lyrics in ‘Brand New’. Since Karsten picked a lyric at the end of the track, I’ll pick a lyric from the beginning. These lyrics almost feels like they’re affirmations: “I am full of life, ready to begin”.

Now the EP is out there - what next? 
Firstly, we’re definitely going to celebrate with an ice-cold beverage with the team! But in the long-term, we’re working on writing some new songs at the moment, and we’re going on two tours this year: across the UK with Be Your Own Pet in August, and Europe with Big Joanie in October! We’re so excited for these shows. See ya in the pit x

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