Inspired #427 - Jack Vinoy

Taken from his debut album ‘Relay’ (due out in August) – Jack Vinoy has just shared the video for his new single ‘Rotate’.

Showcasing Jack Vinoy’s signature sound, ROTATE incorporates sample chops, big 808s, swung drums and beat switches as it shifts from an alternative R&B-influenced starting point to the brash punk ending. The new single is an impressive next move for the artist on the rise.

Jack took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind his music.

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
Tyler, the Creator, Lorde, and The Japanese House. I've been a fan of Tyler, the Creator for a long time now & seeing his production style evolve over the years has driven me to keep experimenting with new sounds. I remember when Lorde released Pure Heroine I would study her lyrics, her writing style is so interesting to me, she's a poet that decided to sing. The Japanese House has a hold on me with every song lately, the storytelling is just incredible. I hope I can work with all of them some day.

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why? 
I find 2001: A Space Odyssey really inspiring and will put it on the TV on mute a lot when I work on music. The concepts explored in that film are really interesting to me, and I really enjoy the surrealistic visuals especially in the Stargate sequence. 

What city do you find the most inspiring and why?
Nashville is really inspiring to me, there's this creative energy in the air that almost feels infectious because everyone around you has some sort of creative outlet that they're dedicating their life to, whether it's music, art, or fashion.

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why?
I know it's going to read like a cop out but definitely my parents. They're both incredibly hardworking, motivated and charitable people, and have been the biggest supporters for myself and my sisters in everything we've pursued.

What were your inspirations when writing your new track?
ROTATE was inspired by daily minutiae and trying to escape it, or at the least venting my frustrations with it. Musically it's a fusion of a lot of my favorite sounds, with the swung drums, strange synthesizers, 808s and beat switches.

How would you like to inspire people?
I hope that I can inspire people to put themselves out there and find community. I had been in Nashville about 5 or 6 years before I really felt like I made a good effort to get out and find where I belonged, both in terms of finding friends and musical collaborators. While it felt like a daunting task at first to put myself out there, it made life so much more enjoyable because I'm in the company of like-minded people who share my interests and outlooks. 

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