Inspired #428 - Nina Nesbitt

Having just completed a tour with the legend that is Stevie Nicks - Scottish singer, songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist Nina Nesbitt has just released her new single ‘Anger’ – taken from her album ‘Mountain Music’, which is due out in September.

With her biting lyrics and impassioned vocals, Nina unveils a raw, emotional journey while challenging the notion that anger must be contained. She warns that the facade of politeness will one day crumble, revealing the damage done by those who have polluted her with their negativity. This song is her way of unraveling the blush pink bows of her feminine rage, shedding the constraints of being soft and polite. "Anger" is a declaration and reclamation of her power.

She took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music.

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?
I have so many but if I had to pick for this particular album it would be Coldplay (Parachutes album), Bon Iver (For Emma, Forever Ago album) & Bruce Springsteen. I drew inspiration from the way Coldplay do these huge builds in their songs. I opened for them at Hampden stadium in Glasgow a couple of years ago and was so inspired. You can definitely hear that in a few songs on Mountain Music. Before making this album I went back and listened to a lot of the albums that made me fall in love with music when I was younger. Bon Iver's 'For Emma, Forever Ago' was one of those albums and definitely inspired the folkier side of mine. Bruce Springsteen has been an unexpected inspiration for this album, particularly on Anger and I'm Coming Home. I love the way that classic Springsteen beat instantly gives any story the perfect energy to unravel on.

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why? 
I'm not a huge film watcher to be honest, I find it hard to sit through a whole film (but I'm weirdly ok at sitting through an 8 part series?). I am greatly inspired by visuals though and whenever I'm writing music I always like to look at pictures to inspire me. Sometimes if I'm trying to capture a certain sound, I'll put on a muted film clip that looks how I want the music to sound. The tunnel scene in Perks Of Being A Wallflower is always a favourite.

What city do you find the most inspiring and why? 
I think I would have to say Los Angeles! Anytime I go there I feel like I can take on the world and there's so many opportunities. However, once you leave you realise 90% aren't actually real lol. But you never know... and it's nice to feel inspired. After growing up in a tiny Scottish village, I always find it exciting to go somewhere I grew up dreaming of seeing one day.

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why? 
This a tricky one as there are so many but I'd have to say strong female musicians such as Dolly Parton and Taylor Swift have always been huge inspirations of mine. It's not just the fact they write their own songs and tell these wonderful stories, it's also how they carry themselves as people.

What were your inspirations when writing your new track? 
As someone who is quiet and introverted I've always found it difficult to articulate my feelings. Anger is something that I didn't really know how to express but I think if you keep something in for too long it can start to come out in unhealthy ways. I think so often, particularly female rage, can be used as fuel to create. Whether it's writing a book, making an album etc. I've found that my channel is songwriting.

How would you like to inspire people?
I'd love for people to hear my songs and think, 'wow, she just described exactly how I feel'. I'd love to be a sort of comfort blanket for people going through life's ups and downs and also show them they can get out the other side.

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