Single Review: Happy Abandon - 'Heavy Lines'

Happy Abandon shares exceptionally crafted cinematic pop cut, 'Heavy Lines', taken from their sophomore album 'Facepaint', out now via Schoolkids Records.

Happy Abandon's 'Heavy Lines' opens energetically and immediately, skyrocketing it's listener into a rapid state of instrumental-led elation; the kind you would most notably associate with a post rock climax that you've eagerly waited two thirds of a song to feel that pure cathartic release.That's not to say 'Heavy Lines' peaks too soon. Happy Abandon know how to engage with their audience, playing with their listener's emotion as well as they play their instruments.

 'Heavy Lines' takes its listener on a rollercoaster  of highs and lows, playing with clever time signature and tempo changes. From uptempo and exuberant to slow and simmering - 'Heavy Lines' is an inferno of emotion, fuelled by dramatic, orchestral flourishes sometimes frantic, sometimes ominious, always exquisite and enchanting.  Lead singer Peter Vance's vocal is authentic and compelling, his delivery impassioned and enthralling to match the potency of the lyrics.

'Heavy Lines' is a multi-faceted beast of a song, ensaring its listener with its thunderous, roaring, breathtaking, vigor - intricately crafted by a highly skilled outfit.

Words of Karla Harris