Lady Bird - 'Reprisal'

Lady Bird tackle social justice and personal politics in ‘Reprisal’.

It’s no surprise that Lady Bird are on Slaves’ label Girl Fight Records. Much like Slaves, the Tunbridge Wells trio take on the social politics of our daily lives. And their new single ‘Reprisal’ is no different.

You could say that ‘Reprisal’ is Lady Bird’s equivalent to Slaves’ ‘The Hunter’. The snakey riff combined with the pissed-off Blur’s ‘Parklife’ style vocals that take on what is wrong with the world is similar to Slaves. However, it packs more of a punch and there is more diversity in this sub-three-minute track. The organ provides a haunting quality that makes our daily struggles even more terrifying and real than how we may perceive them, kind of like The Specials’ ‘Ghost Town’. The second verse is almost a punk rap rant. And there’s a lead guitar riff that almost has an Eastern spice to it, followed by a new punchy riff.

It may be unfair to say that Lady Bird are the new Slaves, but their approach to song writing and performance is uncanny. But if you are a huge Slaves fan and you haven’t already heard these before, I implore you to check ‘Reprisal’ out. On the other hand, if you don’t think much of Slaves, then Lady Bird may offer something where Slaves may have missed the mark for you.

Words of Matthew Brocklehurst