Isaac Wright - 'Breathe Again'
Australian singer-songwriter and musician Isaac Wright makes his passionate debut with ‘Breathe Again’.
I’m a big fan of acoustic music. But not all acoustic music. Truthfully, certain guitar melodies bore me to tears and sadly those kinds of songs are sent to me all the time. They’re too restrained, too delicate, too derivative. Lacking that fire and energy that is essential to lighting a song up with emotion and hitting their listener straight in the gut.
Fortunately, Isaac Wright knows how to make an impression.
Opening with an affecting, energetic, guitar melody Breathe Again’ is one of those rare songs where you intuitively know you’re going to like the track from the moment it starts playing. There’s no doing anything by halves here, and this is made even more obvious when Isaac’s honest and endearing vocal and emotive lyricism comes in seeing the song burn with an intensity and heartfelt grit as Isaac pours everything he has into the track.
It’s not easy to be this open and raw, especially on a debut single. But Isaac Wright makes it look effortless. ‘Breathe Again’ has conjured butterflies in my belly that have danced along sadly, and danced optimistically. It’s been a song i’ve had a little sob to and a song that has been cathartic. This is the kind of authentic acoustic music very much worth hearing.
Words of Karla Harris