The Amber Unit - 'Nebula'

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New single 'Nebula' from Swiss rockers The Amber Unit hits Alpine heights.

I know precisely three things about Switzerland. I know that its where the Alps are located, I know they do shit hot chocolate and I know that Roger Federer and Xerdan Shaqiri both hail from there. It's not a country most known for it's ballsy, moody, downright evil indie rock- somewhat inevitably considering their history of pacifism. But if anything is going to brush aside lazy stereotyping, its music. And The Amber Unit have completely and utterly made me look a fool.

'Nebula' emerges from a thunderstorm, all huge guitars and Interpol basslines blazing, with an early mission statement of being the creepiest song since The Cure's classic 'Lullaby'. Whilst it doesn't terrify with an almost perverted sense of dread like it's obvious influence, it astounds, creeps up on you and before lulling you into a false sense of security, launches an onslaught on your audio and emotional receptors.

'Nebula' initially intends to freak out with spiky guitars, layers of echo and a rich beautiful barritone voice- but it soon mellows with a cleaner tone and female backing vocals and tricks you into thinking that its beautiful.But the beauty is only meant as a deception- the song is already inside your head convincing you to "rebuild" and it's attack on your nervous system is complete and you didn't even notice. To summarise- imagine if Phoenix listened to Joy Division and were from a far superior nation. Viva Switzerland!

Words of James Kitchen