Gian Marco Castro - 'Haven'

Italian contemporary composer Gian Marco Castro offers a safe space on moving new single, ‘Haven’.

The internet is a powerful tool which provides everyone who can access it a platform to say whatever they want, whenever they want until words often become weightless, overused, too noisy, too many people shouting into the digital void demanding to be heard. Music with lyrics follows themes offering various levels of substance and seriousness, bringing people together, pulling people apart, songs to dance to, to cry to, to protest alongside, to relate to, to love, to really dislike. Sometimes all these words we’re always speaking and hearing can be exhausting.

That’s where instrumental classical music is very underrated. It’s ability to say so much without saying a single world is a refreshing, solitary escape from the hustle and bustle of other people’s feelings and other people’s opinions to just reflect on how you feel as an individual. Of course, classical music is also inspired by a certain theme, or life experience, or inspiration and the artist lays out that specific mood or atmosphere for its listener to pick up on. But the affecting nature of the compositions can also lead the listener into their own territory, to address their own problems, to respond with their own emotions.

Gian Marco Castro’s ‘Haven’ offers exactly that - a safe space for his listener to hide from the world for 3 minutes 53 seconds of affecting piano work. The track is taken from Castro’s upcoming EP, ‘Out Of The Past’ and was inspired by his own search for shelter after the sad passing of his Dad. ‘Haven’ is a contemporary piece of music that follows in a similar vein to the work of Philip Glass, Olafur Arnalds and Ludovico Einuadi. It’s a tranquil song, which delicately grieves for, and heals from , past pain and losses, creating a beautifully liberating atmosphere that delicately address the darkness but ultimately finds light.

Words of Karla Harris