The Artist Explains: ferdinant. - 'Kerosene'


Berlin based musician, model and actor ferdinant. talks to us about his sophisticated, waltzy single and enigmatic music video, ‘Kerosene’ which explores the themes of escapism, self expression, self love and sexual tension.

Where was the video for ‘Kerosene’ filmed?
The video was filmed in Hamburg around Steindamm, we booked a hotel room and just shot everything there.

How does the video connect with the song?
The video is an interpretation of how one might find an escape, not necessarily into crossdressing, but into perhaps the sexual release, or becoming someone else.

We didn’t want to go for the straight idea of drugs, and this theme was more exciting to me.

Do you have any behind the scenes stories you can share with us?
As an idea we used the transformation, stepping out of your daily routine, to become something new, something more OR less exciting, contrasting and controversial.
As a back theme the video conveys ideas of finding new love for yourself, or feeling new sensations and feelings of emptiness

Could you talk us through the themes/imagery/ideas used?
Mirrors and backwards video give the idea of confusion, of not being sure what reality is anymore. Which was exactly the goal of the video, to make the concept of normality liquid.
It has sexual tensions that make it difficult to understand what the tension is about, the emotions hide, or drift to the surface at unexpected moments.

Is there a message the video is trying to convey?
It should give people courage, a feeling of being understood or having the security to be what you need, to do what you need to get by.
Loneliness is all over the place, and we’re in that together.

Interview by Karla Harris