Introducing #102 - Matilda Mann

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Let us introduce you to West London’s Matilda Mann, who has just released her new single ‘The Loch Ness Monster’. She took a moment to talk to us about Gwen Stefani and what she has learned about the music industry so far. 

You grew up in West London, where do you go for your musical kicks?
Ha musical kicks. My favourite venue to watch live music is Earth in hackney. I saw The Staves there which was the best thing I’ve ever seen live. My first gig was at The Troubadour, when I was about 10 doing a gig for “Song Academy” ha.

Having grown up on the likes of the Beatles and Joni Mitchell, what are your easiest musical memories? Have you got any certain songs from that period of your life that you love?
I obviously can’t remember this but my Mum always tells me how she’d love to go dancing at clubs when she was pregnant with me and I’d kick so much when there was music playing! I always remember my Dad playing The Beatles in the car because they’re his favourite and I remember screaming “The Sweet Escape” by Gwen Stefani out of the car window on holiday one time. I also remember the first time I ever watched Juno. I think I was 11 and I watched it 10 times that week and immediately fell in love with the soundtrack.

You threw yourself straight into the music world as soon as your finished your studies, what have you learned so far?
I’ve learnt how people work so differently and how to use that in the best way, by writing a song that’s probably more their style than mine so that I end up with all my songs sounding as different as possible. I like to keep two musical elements constant in my song writing, which is weird lyrics and loads of harmonies, everything else can always be changed.

Can you tell us a bit more about your new track ‘The Loch Ness Monster’? It is kind of left full open for interpretation for the listener in its meaning.
‘The Loch Ness Monster’ is my most personal song, but I want it to be personal for other people too. It’s loosely written so it’s not too obvious as to what it’s about so that you can listen to it and take it away as though it was written just for you. Much like its title it’s a bit of a mystery!

It was produced by Ant Whiting, who has worked with the likes of M.I.A, Soak and L Devine, how did that partnership come about?
Luckily enough Ant lives down the road from me and my first writing session was with him and Oscar Scheller which was a great session. Ant is super chilled and one of my favourite producers to write with.

Now the track is out there, what next? What are your plans for the next few months?
I’ve met so many amazing musicians and people that have helped me so much during this past year, I’ve got a load more songs ready to release, so hopefully it won’t be long. Other than that, I’m excited to do a headline gig soon. I’m also very excited about the music videos I’ve been working on with my friends. There’s lots going on!

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