Diamond Thug - 'The Woods'

South African dream pop band Diamond Thug release nervy indie electro on ‘The Woods’ out now through their own independent label, Kudukudu Records.

Thick oppressive synth provides a dark, warped intro to Diamond Thug’s new single, ‘The Woods’, setting an apprehensive and ethereal tone from the offset. Diamond Thug pull spiky guitar melodies and suspenseful creeping drum beats through the dense synth, building a thick foliage of sound for frontwoman Chantel Van T’s atmospheric vocal to smoulder with an urgency that burns with desperation.

Speaking about ‘The Woods’ Chantel explains, “‘The Woods’ is about being lost in a dense forest of emotional isolation, while on a walk through the wilderness. We wrote a scratch of the song in a practice room in London and then recorded it across continents, while I was in the French Alps and the band was back in Cape Town.”

With this in mind, Diamond Thug sonically draw on textures that feel suffocating, shadowy and isolating which are heightened on the instrumental sections of track, reflecting feelings of emotional disconnection and disorientation. Diamond Thug create a hazy and heavy soundscape to make you feel lost under blankets of darkness and uprooted in places that once felt so natural and familiar, but reign things back in with the warmth of its slow burning catchy chorus.

‘The Woods’ is a turbulent track which poetically throbs with a huge, anxious heart as Diamond Thug cry out for salvation.

Words of Karla Harris

‘The Woods’ is the first of a series of singles Diamond Thug will be releasing over the remainder of 2019 and early 2020.