EP Review: Bear’s Den – 'Only Son of The Falling Snow'


The three wise men had three gifts for baby Jesus, this December, Bear’s Den have three gifts for the world, and they come in the form of new EP ‘Only Son of the Falling Snow’. Spanning three reflective songs, the EP explores all facets of winter and brings a little light back into the darker months. 

Skating on melodies that are as nostalgic as they are peaceful, Andrew’s soft vocals wrap stories of family, loss and faith in a cosy blanket of calm. It’s hard to imagine that his voice doesn’t instantly heal open wounds simply by existing. Guided by the soft sounds of trumpets and a grand piano, the three tracks take you on a sleigh ride passing memories of Christmases past and present and put even the most hectic thoughts to rest. 

‘Only Son of the Falling Snow’ perfectly sums up what winter, and Christmas, is all about: hope, love and forgiveness, while also giving a nod to the sadness and stillness of the season. It sounds like endless fields covered in a soft white blanket and stormy nights spent indoors in front of a fire. It captures the beauty and calm of the cold. If you’re feeling a little stressed in the lead up to the holidays, grab a hot cup of tea and put on this record for a ten-minute meditation, the best cure for a racing mind. 

Words by Laura Freyaldenhoven

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